11 Aug 2010

Film: Trailers 2

This months exciting sneak-peeks and trailers are:

1) The Social Network (Dir. David Fincher)

A weird one on paper. The Social Network is directed by the undoubtably brilliant David Fincher (Seven, Zodiac, Fight Club etc) and the script, penned by West Wing's Aaron Sorkin, is being hailed as a modern great. But then again, it's a movie about Facebook. FACEBOOK. I struggle to see how the creation of a website and the greedy bickering of its creator and his friends (and Trousersnake) is going to make for good cinema but we will see. Jesse Eisenberg looks to have put his work in, and as usual with Fincher the images look sublime. Could swing either way.

2) Catfish (Dir. Ariel Schulman, Henry Joost)

More trouble started by Facebook, but this time with a far darker tone. This trailer does exactly what trailers are intended to do, to tease you, to leave you asking questions and wanting more. There's been lots of talk about this film as the next Blair Witch/Cloverfield/Paranormal Activity, low budget horror success, and it looks very intriguing. Let's hope that the hype can deliver.

3) Lovely, Still (Dir. Nicholas Fackler)

Oh, now, don't look at me like that, don't pretend you didn't smile watching this. It's such a very sweet-looking film with an amazing cast (both Landau and Burstyn are oscar winners, and Burstyn in particular is a darling of the academy, having been nominated another five times in her career) and seemingly just the right balance of touching romance and off-kilter comedy. It's not often you see a film look closely at the lives of the elderly with anything other than a side-glance, but this trailer suggests that this will be the best to have done so since Venus in 2006. Can't wait.

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