29 Sept 2010

Film: True Grit Trailer

Any news of new Coen Brothers material is an exciting thing in the world of Man, Culture, Love, but when a trailer appears suddenly for their next release, a remake of the seminal 1969 Western revenge story of the same name that stared John Wayne as Marshall Reuben J. 'Rooster' Cogburn, then the whistle goes and everything comes to a halt...

So here it is, in all its beautiful, eye-patching, snow-drifting, horse-galloping, pistol-cracking, revenge-taking glory:

Cogburn is played now by industry darling Jeff Bridges, sporting an eyepatch no less black and serious than Mr Wayne's in '69, and the heroine Mattie Ross is played by newcomer Hailee Steinfeld. Support comes from Matt Damon and Josh Brolin, who was immense in No Country For Old Men and will no doubt apply a similar brooding machismo to this tale.




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